Christian leadership is the art of being a good steward of the people whom God has entrusted to us. Developing leadership skills is developing the art of good stewardship. A central idea in the Kingdom parable of the talents (Matthew 25:10-30) is the expectation that God given resources are to be used and multiplied. However, he was not at all …
Christian Leader Coaching: Three Important Tools
In the first part of Christian Leader Coaching: (Christian Leader Coaching: Nurturing Skill and Ability in Others) we looked at the nature of coaching. In this part we consider three key approaches that will help the Christian leader enable those whom they lead to achieve their full potential. The Christian Leader uses “Show and Tell” “Show and tell” is a …
Christian Leader Coaching: Nurturing Skill and Ability in Others
An important characteristic of Christian leadership is character; a character modelled on Christ’s servant heart. As Christ-centered servant leaders enable those whom they lead to be able to fulfil their potential in God’s service is the key focus. One important tool for the Christian leader, therefore is coaching, which we will explore. You can learn more about developing as a …
Jesus Leadership Style: Ten Perspectives for Christian Leaders
The Challenge of Jesus’ Leadership Style As with most things, Jesus turned leadership upside down. He taught the disciples that in the Kingdom they were not to lead people as those in the world did; they were to be radically different. The leadership style that Jesus taught and modelled was neither about command and control, nor status and power. He …
Christian Leadership – Three Things Jesus Had to Say About It
Leadership is in vogue, but what would Jesus have to say about Christian leadership today? In his life, Jesus turned the world upside down and he taught the disciples to live and serve the Kingdom of God in that upside down way. This applied to leadership as much as anything else. He taught and modelled Kingdom leadership to his disciples, …
Growing the Servant Heart
Growing the Servant Heart is a FREE, self paced course developed from Claybury International’s coached leadership development programmes and it is available on-line.Growing the Servant Heart encourages the growth of a Christ-centered character for leaders and goes on to recommend practical approaches to help them live this out in day-to-day leadership situations. The tools have been chosen because they enable …
The Nature of the Servant Leader Modelled on Jesus
The servant leader focuses on inspiring and enabling people to achieve their full potential, in pursuit of a shared and common purpose. For the servant leader it’s not about status and control but they enable and empower their people, growing them to be servant leaders too. The Christ-centred servant leader grows a Christ-like character modelled on the Servant King and sees Jesus as their leadership role model.
Christian Leadership Turned Upside-down
Jesus explicitly challenged the prevailing views of leadership with his disciples and he turned the “normal” upside down. He confronted the disciples views of power and authority, telling them it was not to be that way for them (Matthew 20). In the famous foot washing incident, as the king with a towel tied round his waist (John 13), he established the Kingdom principle of humility and the pre-eminence of others instead of self and challenged the disciples to follow his example. In these two events he showed that leadership in the Kingdom is no longer to be as leadership is in the world.
Project Management – 7 tips for Christian Leaders
At some point every Christian leader will end up being called upon to lead some kind of project. They may be short and quick or they might be large and challenging. Many Christian leaders have no training or experience of running a project and that in itself can be an enormous stress factor. Whilst natural organisational ability is enormously helpful, in itself it is no guarantee of any project being both successful and low stress. This Article provide budding project managers with a practical guide
The Servant Leader as Gardener: Artificial Flowers may be Beautiful but…
The servant leader must develop himself as a leader and as a servant so that together both he and his people can flourish and achieve their full potential in the service of a common, higher purpose.