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Christian Leader Coaching: Three Important Tools

In the first part of Christian Leader Coaching: (Christian Leader Coaching: Nurturing Skill and Ability in Others) we looked at the nature of coaching. In this part we consider three key approaches that will help the Christian leader enable those whom they lead to achieve their full potential. The Christian Leader uses “Show and Tell” “Show and tell” is a …

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Christian Leader Coaching: Nurturing Skill and Ability in Others

An important characteristic of Christian leadership is character; a character modelled on Christ’s servant heart. As Christ-centered servant leaders enable those whom they lead to be able to fulfil their potential in God’s service is the key focus. One important tool for the Christian leader, therefore is coaching, which we will explore. You can learn more about developing as a …

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Project Management – 7 tips for Christian Leaders

At some point every Christian leader will end up being called upon to lead some kind of project. They may be short and quick or they might be large and challenging. Many Christian leaders have no training or experience of running a project and that in itself can be an enormous stress factor. Whilst natural organisational ability is enormously helpful, in itself it is no guarantee of any project being both successful and low stress. This Article provide budding project managers with a practical guide

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Taming the Email Dragon: How to be a Responsible Emailer

While it has liberated communication it has also turned modern workers into the hi-tech equivalent of the industrial revolution’s mill workers. But there are ways to take control of email and make it an effective tool, to be a responsible emailer. Given the amount of time that cane be lost serving email this is especially important for the Third sector where money and resources are scarce. So, why not learn how to be a responsible emailer!

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Communication Tips for Servant Leaders: Are You an Engaging Speaker or “Mogadon Man”?

The attitude that underpins effective communications skills for Christian leaders as thye practice servant leadership is recognising that as the speaker we must take responsibility for our listeners; take responsibility to ensure that they understand. It is not enough simply to speak and then pass the buck to them. The fact that we are speaking means that we have a vested interested in them understanding. It’s us that lose out if they don’t understand.

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5 Mistakes That Lead to Ineffective Verbal Communications

One of the tenets of servant leadership is the desire to enable others to achieve their full potential and more than that, to deliberately act in a way that will enable them to do so. Central to this is communication. It is vital for us to be able to effectively communicate ideas, problems, objectives, methods and the like, to others. It is vital because they need to respond appropriately in order to achieve their full potential and in so doing assist us to achieve our desired goals. Whilst mostly we are all able to talk and listen this does not guarantee communication success. So here is the question for you: Do you make these 5 mistakes when you speak with people?