Developing Christ Centred Organisation Leadership Whitepaper (free download)

God’s call to Christians in Romans 12, to no longer be conformed to the world but to be transformed, applies to all areas of life and Christian endeavour. By the renewing of our minds Christians are to live a Christ-centred, Spirit led, Christ-like life. This applies as much to leadership as it does to any other area of life and service. To explore what this means download this free whitepaper.

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Culture Craft (free download)
by Rick Sessoms & Colin Buckland

Many committed, capable, next-generation leaders are confused and frustrated in their current organisations. They cannot reconcile the evident chasm between the Jesus way of leadership and their own organisations’ dysfunctional cultures. Rick and Colin have written this book to clear the confusion. They ask tough questions that reveal any organisation’s culture. They also offer practical, proven tools to build a ‘healthy’ organisation, one whose members demonstrate real values that are consistent with the teaching and example of Jesus. This is a must-read book for ‘culture crafters’, those leaders who want to influence their organisations toward better health.

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Project Management for Christian Leaders (Second Edition) (free download)

by Mike Waddell


In the Christian sphere, where resources are in scarce supply and the outcomes are important, many leaders will find themselves running projects with few project management skills and little experience. Often the result is high levels of pain in terms of personal stress, waste of money and resources, and too often failure. The 180 pages of this second edition provide a servant leader’s insight into the true nature of projects, keeping strategies and plans in line with God’s purpose while leading the project team members to achieve their full potential. It sets out simple but comprehensive approaches for project planning, execution and it offers practical guidance for dealing with common issues, while keeping in mind the needs of both church and organisational project managers. See also the Christian Leadership article 7 Tips to Reduce Project Management Stress for Christian Leaders

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